
The Dati Circle Dance of the Yi Ethnic Minority in China
An excellent visual and audio resource
for learning and practicing the most popular Chinese ethnic dances today
“Dati” in Yi language means “treading earth and dancing.” With an elaborate redesign, this collection of DVD/ VCD/CD includes 13 selections of Dati circle dances and Ashyqie youth dances of the Yi ethnic minority in China, beautifully demonstrated and performed with wonderful melodies and great visual instruction. The DVD/VCD demonstrates the performance and teaches the techniques, while the CD contains the musical background. Mr. Jia Zuoguang, a well-known dancer throughout China, once said, “The Dati dance is simple, graceful, energetic, noble and unconstrained, representing traditional style and contemporary feature, reflecting the zeitgeist of the Yi People; it is a choreographic symbol of solidification and harmony, suggesting a wonderful substitution of international dance now, and develops a social dance in China.” In the spring of 1991, Mr. Wang Mingda, the deputy director of National Education Committee arrived in Liangshan Yi area for official inspection, he participated in a local Dati dance party in person, saying agreeably, “The Dati dance is very beautiful, an excellent collective dance genre with distinguished characteristics. Should Dati be the campus dance, and to be popularized widely in national universities and colleges, primary and junior high schools.” As an American anthropologist said, “Dancing around a bonfire on a cool night under the stars is a delightful form of entertainment.” So once you have mastered the movements, you can perform them with the proper music.
This visual-audio production is a colorful introduction to the art of Chinese ethnic dance among a diversity of living cultures, and brings a fantastic journey into the wonderful world of the Yi People’s indigenous tradition to your home.
The colorful Yi costumes have painted a magnificent poetry that invites dynamics of dance steps. Join the pageantry and grandeur of the Yi People’s Dati Circle Dance. Enjoy yourself!
Produced by
The People’s Government of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China
Xichang Yi Cultural Development and Communication Ltd. Co.
Tel. +86-834-3665053 Email to: yiculture@sina.com
彝语“达体”意为“踏地而舞”。这套集DVD/ VCD/CD为一体的音像制品,包括彝族达体舞的13个组合和阿诗且青年舞,经全新设计、录制、制作和再版,集成了悠扬的音乐旋律和优美的舞蹈演示。DVD/VCD中既有达体舞的场境化表演,又有舞蹈程式的教学示范;CD则是达体舞的背景音乐。我国著名的舞蹈家贾作光先生曾说:“达体舞朴实、优美、刚健、豪放,具有浓郁的民族风格和强烈的时代气息,体现了彝族人民的精神风貌,是团结和友谊的舞蹈,是国际舞的优美体现,是中国的交谊舞” 。1991年春,时任国家教委副主任王明达先生到凉山视察,他在联欢会上亲自参加跳达体舞后,高兴地说:“达体舞很好,很优美,很有特色。应该作为校园舞蹈,在全国大专院校、中小学校大力推广。”一位美国人类学家在谈到达体舞时也说:“在一个凉爽的夜晚,头顶星空,围着篝火翩翩起舞,是一种多么惬意的享受。”达体舞易学易跳,只要您从中掌握了这些基本的舞蹈组合,就能在悦耳动听的音乐节拍中迈开轻快潇洒的舞步。这套音影制品反映了中国民族民间文化的多样性,体现了中国少数民族舞蹈艺术的当代活力,也将为您开启一个中国彝族本土文化传统的缤纷天地。
出 品

The Dati Circle Dance of the Yi Ethnic Minority in China
An excellent visual and audio resource
for learning and practicing the most popular Chinese ethnic dances today
“Dati” in Yi language means “treading earth and dancing.” With an elaborate redesign, this collection of DVD/ VCD/CD includes 13 selections of Dati circle dances and Ashyqie youth dances of the Yi ethnic minority in China, beautifully demonstrated and performed with wonderful melodies and great visual instruction. The DVD/VCD demonstrates the performance and teaches the techniques, while the CD contains the musical background. Mr. Jia Zuoguang, a well-known dancer throughout China, once said, “The Dati dance is simple, graceful, energetic, noble and unconstrained, representing traditional style and contemporary feature, reflecting the zeitgeist of the Yi People; it is a choreographic symbol of solidification and harmony, suggesting a wonderful substitution of international dance now, and develops a social dance in China.” In the spring of 1991, Mr. Wang Mingda, the deputy director of National Education Committee arrived in Liangshan Yi area for official inspection, he participated in a local Dati dance party in person, saying agreeably, “The Dati dance is very beautiful, an excellent collective dance genre with distinguished characteristics. Should Dati be the campus dance, and to be popularized widely in national universities and colleges, primary and junior high schools.” As an American anthropologist said, “Dancing around a bonfire on a cool night under the stars is a delightful form of entertainment.” So once you have mastered the movements, you can perform them with the proper music.
This visual-audio production is a colorful introduction to the art of Chinese ethnic dance among a diversity of living cultures, and brings a fantastic journey into the wonderful world of the Yi People’s indigenous tradition to your home.
The colorful Yi costumes have painted a magnificent poetry that invites dynamics of dance steps. Join the pageantry and grandeur of the Yi People’s Dati Circle Dance. Enjoy yourself!
Produced by
The People’s Government of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China
Xichang Yi Cultural Development and Communication Ltd. Co.
Tel. +86-834-3665053 Email to: yiculture@sina.com